Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How referral share works in my browser cash, or how to buy referral share in my browser cash

  •  referral position: 5$
  • You will earn 2% or $0.11(11cents)for each share.
  • Referral are give for 60 days. It means u will will earn 2% for 60days($0.11*60=$6.60)after 60 days
  • And thats not it.... after 60 days u will get extra 3$($2 in your purchase balance and 1$ in your account balance)
  • And after calculating all you will get{ $6.60+$3=$9.60) after 60 days for one referral share.! 
  • click here  to join

Instead of Buying referrals MBC created a Referral Share program. This allows MBC and Users to leverage referrals as a group instead of an individual basis giving us leverage of about 1:5 (meaning you share ownership of the equivalant to 5 referrals for a 60 day duration).
click here  to join

It works like this...
You buy Referral Share "Positions", Each position is $5.
These positions are currently paying ~2% or .11/day for each position you purchase. So with these numbers if you were to buy 10 positions today you would start earning $1.10/day from these 10 positions which is automatically added to your Account Balance at the end of the day, as long as you view at least 10 ads a day or Complete One Offer A Day.
After 60 days(or 60 times paid), these positions mature, which will then earn you $3. $2 is put into your Purchase Balance and $1 is put into your account balance and the position(s) is/are removed.
This means for every $5 position you buy you get $3 when the position matures PLUS the whole time you have that position you earn the daily ~2%/.11/day for the entire 60 days.
That's nearly doubling your money in 60 days. It's like buying referrals on steroids, because after 60 days these users who are still earning us money are recycled through the system and continue to earn us money that we then payout to other positions! 

 unique Referral Share Positions are Indefinitely Sustainable.
There are several requirements in order to earn the daily revenue share.
1. You must view at least 10 ads a day or complete at least one offer a day.
2. You must login to the MyBrowserCash members area at least once a day (if you are not a Silver or Gold Member).

By having these simple requirements, we can guarantee there is enough money to payout every position.
And every 60 days when the Position Matures, those members are STILL earning revenue that is used to payout more positions!
On average this comes out to about 3% per day(of $5). We take this money and we give you back ~2% a day and we keep the 1%. This means we can pay out very high returns because we payout from actual profit!
We have limits in place so someone can't come in and just buy all the shares up.
Each account is allowed to purchase up to 20 shares every 3 days (~200 positions a month). This will also be adjusted on a weekly basis depending on the number of shares available and the number of positions currently in the system.
You will earn .50 when your referrals buys a share and .25 when your sub-referrals buy a share (if you are a Silver or Gold member) currently free memebers will not earn when the share is bought by one of their referrals or sub-referrals, however Free members can buy shares just like upgraded members, they just won't earn from their referrals share purchases. The money they don't earn will also go to paying out referral positions.

Even in the worst case scenario we can always stop the sale of positions and the ad revenues generated will still be there to sustain the system. And If something goes "Really" wrong, beyond our control for instance like a process freezes our account and locks our funds, Positions can be converted into Direct Referrals!

And your daily earnings can be cashed out when you reach the standard $20!
Basically, We're Taking The "Luck" Out Of Buying Referrals!
If you've purchased referrals in the past from us or any other system you know it can be the luck of the draw. Sometimes you get a great referral who completes a ton of offers, upgrades or surfs like crazy. However, this is the exception and not the rule. Plus, people go on vacation, or leave for a while and you're not earning income from them while they are away.
It's much easier to give you a share of the user base's income!
It starts to get exciting when you start to purchase more positions. Now, in 60 days you nearly double your money on every position purchase!

Questions Most People Will Be Asking...
When Are These Positions Paid?
Daily. We've decided to remove the time when this happens for several reasons. But, this will happen daily.

Theoretically How Much Can I Make With Referral Share Positions?
If you have 100 positions you would earn $11 daily at the curret payout level. 100 positions would make $660 over 60 days and at 60 days when these positions Mature you get $3 for each position($300 if you had 100 positions) for a total of $960 after 60 days (or $400 total profit after 60 days($100 from the total daily and $300 for the $3/position) at the current level.
You might be saying, wow that doesn't sound very sustainable, that seems like a lot of profit to be giving out!Understand this, a referral share is multiple members income combined. On top of that in order to earn your daily revenue per share you need to view at least 10 ads or complete an offer a day. This means we will ALWAYS have enough income to pay out because in order to get your revenue share you need to earn revenue yourself!
What's going to happen to the complete offers for referrals?
Completing offers for referrals will still be available. What will happen is, say you complete an offer that used to pay 1 referral. It will now give you one credit toward a referral share. Once you have 5 credits these will be converted to 1 referral share position at the end of the day automatically by the system.

What happens if say, for a day or more the Website's down?
We know, with by the rapid growth of MyBrowserCash™ in recent history this can happen. If we have extended (more than 6 hours of downtime on any given day) for whatever reason, daily position earnings will not be calculated for that day. While this is a very rare event, it is possible and must be taken into consideration.

However, at the same time those earnings are not calculated you will also get an additional day(s) for those position(s) because the position is not paid, it is not counted as a paid day. If this happens for a longer length of time, the same will happen until the system returns to normal operation. So you will still earn from those positions but there may be a day or a few days where you do not. In the end you get paid on 60 daily commissions per position you buy!
Common Questions During The Initial Referral Conversion Process
So Will I Make More Or Less Money Than Before?
If you have purchased referrals or earned them, you are likely to see your earnings quite a bit with these new changes. There may be a few circumstances, for instance if you got "lucky" and were assigned upgraded members who are earning you the subscription commission every month. However this will be negated by the fact any "dead weight" referrals will now be earning you every day.
Will I get the position purchase commission from referrals and sub-referrals when these earned referrals are converted to the new system?
No. You will only earn on new position purchases.

I'm a gold member, what do I get now instead of 5 referrals a month?
Simple, one Referral Share Position Every Month (current value $9.60 through 60 days)!
Will Direct Earnings Stay The Same?
Yep. Everything in regards to direct earnings and earnings from direct referrals will stay the same.

What (if anything) Will Change About My Direct Referral Income?
Nothing, you will still earn from your direct referrals as you always have.

I bought X amount of referrals last month, How much will I make from them now?
Lets say you bought 5 referrals for $10 last month(it was $2/referral). These would be converted into 1 position currently paying .11 a day. After 60 days you will also get $3 and the position will be removed.
So, you will have earned $7.60 into your Account Balance and $2 into your purchase balance, a total of $9.60 after 60 days. Remember, you're already earning from these referrals or not, and any money you've earned prior the conversion is still yours.
The 1:5 ratio was brought so the conversions were fair and equal for all past purchases.
What will happen to my current purchased or earned referrals?
Any Referrals you purchased, earned or was given to you (by being a gold member, completing an offer etc) will be converted into positions at a ratio of 1 position for every 5 referrals. Direct referrals will not be affected by this.
This gives a ratio of 1 position for every 5 referrals. So if you have bought or earned 20 referrals you would get 4 positions. If you bought or earned 5 referrals you would get 1 position. If you have less than 5 referrals you will get $.50 for each referral added to your purchase balance.
And yes, when this conversion happens you will get $3 when these positions expire! $2 is put into your Purchase Balance and $1 is put into your account balance and the position(s) is/are removed.
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